Copy files

Copy Files to a user's Desktop Using MSI installer

The Admin
Scenario You don’t want to use UEM/DEM, and you want files made avaibile to the user when they sign in. Or you have some files you need to get out to endpoints and don’t want to write a script to copy the files from the SCCM cache to the location. Sometimes you have to do things outside ofthe box. However these file don’t install they just need to be copied to a directory, such as the default/public desktop.

SCCM - Use SCCM & Application Model to Copy Files to an Endpoint

The Admin
Lets say you need to copy files to a location on the endpoint. that can be done using the SCCM application model in SCCM. this way you can confirm that the file and/or folders are on the endpoint at the end. One can do this Via PowerShell or batch file. I like to run the below command from a batch file, In the application i added the Batch file to the installation Program, this way i can add more commands to the process is needed.